How I Came To Be!

                Hello! I am Flat Stanley. I have just recently been given the name “Flat” to precede my real name because I am flat as a piece of paper! I was not born like this. You see, I used to watch a lot of television. Too much, my mom would say. She always told me I would ruin my eyes if I watched too much and that I needed to get our and experience the world. In my defense, the shows I watched were mostly the Discovery Channel, Sid the Science Kid, PBS, and things of that nature. I love to learn new things! Well one day my mom took the TV out of the house in an effort to get me out of the house and it worked, but only to try and carry the TV from the shed back into the house. This is how I became flat. As I tried to pull the TV off of the shelf I tripped over the lawn mower behind me and the TV fell on top of me.

                The doctor said I would be fine, however I would most likely be flat the rest of my life. Mom always taught me to try to find the good in every situation; she said the good that can come from this is now I can travel to all those places I always learned about on TV. I am not able to sit comfortably on the couch anymore; I slide right off, so watching too much television is not an issue anymore. These days, I spend a lot of my time folded up in an envelope traveling the world. Let me just tell you … actually experiencing these sites and wonders of the world are so much better than watching someone else travel them on TV.

                I love my new life! It’s fun and exciting and I meet new friends everywhere I go! Look for me the next time you are out! I’d love to meet you too!

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