Sunday, September 22, 2013

Flat Stanley and the Balloon Skewer

                Today I got to tag along with mom to her UAB science class. She had to bring in a discrepant event to share with the class. I call it magic, but mom insists it is only science. She decided to do Balloon Skewers; which is basically where she stabs a bamboo skewer through a balloon without popping it. Ok, so her directions don’t actually include the word “stab” but that is what she is doing. She let me hold onto the skewer until it was time for her use it. I was her little assistant and had SO much fun!
                At home, big brother wanted to try and do the magic tr- I mean science project. Mom let him but the first two balloons he popped. Finally, he got it on his third attempt and I’ve never seen him so excited! He carried the skewer-pierced balloon around for as long as he could but eventually the air let out of it. I asked mom if I could try but she said since the skewer was taller than me – it probably wasn’t a very smart choice.

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