Friday, September 13, 2013

Stanley's Trip to Publix

My first official trip since birth!
                Mom took me to Publix grocery store today. I immediately noticed the car “buggy” and begged to ride in it. All the other children were riding in one and it looked like so much fun. At first, she said those buggies were reserved for real children but I continued to beg. I think I got a little too excited when mom finally said yes; I yelled with so much enthusiasm I think I frightened her and made her trip and lose a shoe as we were walking in the doors!

                It was my idea to take my picture. See me there in my new red baseball hat mom bought for me? I love this hat, but mom made me promise not to wear it every day. She said it needs to be washed every once and a while. Mom was in a huge hurry because she had to pick up my older brother and sister from school in a half an hour. As we were pulling into checkout isle #3 to pay, I reminded her she forgot the pop-tarts big brother had asked for earlier that morning at the breakfast table. So we ran back to the cereal aisle to grab some. At the end of the cereal aisle is where the seafood deli is, I begged mom to let me see the lobster’s tank one more time, but she said no. Maybe next time.

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