Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Stanley and the Race Car

                Check it out! I got to ride in Nana & Papa’s race car with big brother! It was so cool!! Mom let us spend-the-night with Nana & Papa Friday night and I watched as Nana rolled the top down on the convertible after eating pizza with everyone at Pizza Hut! It was so awesome!! Big brother calls it a race car but Nana didn’t go very fast in it. Even though she didn’t “race” in it, it was still fast enough to blow my hat off my head. You know my favorite red hat? Yea, I was pretty bummed about it but mom said she would try to make me another one before she ships me off to see some family in other states on the 31st of this month!
                I made a video of us taking off in the race car. It was kind of dark so I hope you can see me and big brother waving! I was so excited about this adventure I told mom she just had to video it! After we got to Nana & Papa’s house we watched a movie, ate a snack and went to bed. We got to sleep in the huge bed upstairs; it is way bigger than brothers at home. I had so much fun! Nana & Papa are so cool and I love their race car. I hope I get to ride in it again soon.

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