Thursday, September 26, 2013


                My big brother has a lot of friends from daycare that he never gets to see anymore so today mom let us go to his old church for a picnic! It was so much fun. There were games for us to play, a playground that had all kinds of toys, and really yummy food for us to eat. I was introduced to all of my brother’s friends and even got to sit with them during lunch (no parents)! I really missed my red hat though that I lost in the race car a few nights ago; the sun was really bright and my eyes could have used the shade.
                We had to leave right after we ate because we had a birthday party to go to as well. It was for one of my sister’s friends so there were a lot of babies at the party; but they had cupcakes and that makes everything better.   There was one older kid there who had a guitar and he let me play on it for only a minute; but it was worth it! The picnic and the birthday, both, were fun but I think the picnic was my favorite thing today!

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