Monday, September 16, 2013

Ophthalmology & Associates – Off to See the Doctor!

                My big brother and sister had an eye appointment today. I got to tag along! Mom even let me get glasses. I picked red ones out because red is my favorite color. My mom said she never shows up early to these appointments because it is useless trying to keep all three of us children still in the lobby while we wait to be called to the exam room, but today we were about 15 minutes early and they were running behind. We sat in the waiting room for about an hour before the doctor called our name. My sister was acting crazy, getting in all sorts of trouble and big brother couldn’t keep his bottom still in the chair. Mom was yelling at all of us and everyone in the lobby was staring. Then we heard our name … finally!

                The exam room was SO cool! It had all these huge contraptions they put on your eye, cool flashlights, and a huge black chair to sit in while the doctor looks in your eyes. Parker (my brother) went first. He was laughing and telling jokes to the doctor the whole time. My sister didn’t like the chair so much, she is only two and mom had to hold her while the doctor was putting the eye drops in her eyes and looking in them with the light. I was riding the phoropter
machine the whole time so I could see what was going on.  Mom told me to get down but I didn’t listen, much like my siblings had not done earlier in the waiting room. Overall, minus the irritableness that came with sitting for so long in the waiting room, mom said we all did great and took us for a Sonic slush afterwards!

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